Part 1 What Do I Do With A Panhandler

In My Father’s Kitchen

1. Say ‘Hello’
Most people don’t even recognize that the person panhandling is a human.
For many, we’ve been so
conditioned to disregard and not care about homelessness that the brain chemically
responds to that person on the street as if they weren’t a person at all.
These are people trying to survive. And at best, we treat them like a nuisance. You can help
those who are panhandling by just recognizing that person’s humanity.
Consider that other people passing by on the street are mostly ignoring these people
panhandling. Some people are even verbally and physically attacking them for panhandling.
The violence towards those experiencing homelessness has continued to increase.
Can you imagine what it would be like to be spit on and have insults hurled at you all day,
every day? After being questioned and humiliated all day simple
eye contact and a smile from a stranger can go a long way.
It may feel uncomfortable acknowledging them—especially if you don’t have money to give
—but that’s a personal issue
After making a concerted effort to unpack this feeling, I realized that the reason I might feel
uncomfortable when I see a person panhandling or a person experiencing homelessness is if I look at them I must do something.
Have the person CALL 211 and ask for the HIRE GROUND work program. It’s an Alternative to PANHANDLING
That Collaborates with Onondaga County
I don’t have to sleep outside or ask for money to meet my most basic needs. And it’s hard
to accept that other people do.
But my being uncomfortable is not more important than their humanity.
I can do my part in supporting those who are panhandling by simply reminding myself that
they are human. I may still feel sad, upset, and uncomfortable, but I no longer allow those
emotions to make me turn away from the reality that there is still a person in front of me.
Look them in the eye. Give them a nod. Give them a friendly smile. Wish them a good day.
Do whatever you can to acknowledge your fellow human beings and Give them the #211

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