Goody Bag Fundraiser

In My Father’s Kitchen

Every week whether through Street Outreach or Our Hire Ground work program Goody Bags are a vital tool in our hands. These Goody Bags are filled with deodarant, toothpaste, tooth brushes, socks, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, shampoo, soap, candy, feminine napkins, hair brushes, combs, underware, bras and so much more. Our friends appreciate these bags every time we see them which allows us to keep a relationship moving forward. These GOODY BAGS are tools in our hands to establishing trust were are friends will be able to make some positive choices for true change in their lives.  This is were we need YOUR HELP, will you please consider partnering with us and making your best GIFT towards this Fundraiser. We are trying to raise $1500 and every donation will allow us to keep loving on our friends. Please click on the DONATE tab here on this post and select GOODY BAGS FOR THE STREETS. Together with your support we are truly building hope and changing lives,

John and Leigh Ann

Snack of the Day

Together we are building hope and changing lives.

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