John Tumino


Eating With A Purpose In CNY

Great Morning with Brandon Roth from CNY Central sharing about our Mission and Eating with a Purpose


Coming Full Circle

Hire Ground had the opportunity to work at the Public Safety building to assist Onondaga County in cleaning out the old Jail. Paulette Hire Ground Care Manager (pictured here) is a survivor of the streets and addiction. Kevin Hire Ground Van driver as well, many of our friends on the streets have experienced many nights behind bars. When you are addicted and trying to survive out on the streets many opportunities to make bad choices occur. To see Paulette and Kevin now have victory over their passed demons and now shinning a light out for our friends brings joy to our soul. Paulette said many of the participants were telling their jail stories not making light of it but talking about the struggles of trying to survive. Kevin shared with me after work that it was hard to be on that floor, he said he does not like to remember those moments. I totally understood and encouraged him that he is not that person anymore, that he has done the 180 degree turn and that he is a shinning light to all that change can happen. Our passed scars should not be looked at as shame but as reminders of who we were but no longer are! The pains of yesterday are the stories we can share to assist others to not go down those pathways. I’m so proud of Paulette and Kevin and we are excited to be examples for our friends that their lives can change to.


Getting Moderna Vaccine

Kevin and I were able to sign up to receive the first round of the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine. We were a little anxious today about receiving the Vaccine due to the newness off this new treatment. The Process was was very easy, first sign on to website and apply for your dose. If there was availability they sent you an appointment time and were to go. We arrived at the Oncenter and stood in line for our 12:40 appointment. We then proceeded through three stations and arrived at our fourth were we were both administered the Vaccine. I looked down at the time and it was 12:58, I thought to myself that this was a quick process just 24 minutes. We were asked to sit and wait for 15 minutes after receiving the Vaccine to see if we would experience any side affects. We walked out at 1:15 and went back out to do Street Outreach. The only symptom I had for the remainder of the day was a very sore left arm form were the shot was given. Our next appointment for round two is in three weeks. I am very excited that we were able to receive the vaccine not just for our own peace of mind but also knowing that we are one step closer to bringing an end to this Pandemic. Now its time for us to figure out how to vaccinate all those living out on the streets, its all about logistics. Living in this great community gives me confidence that a way will be made for our homeless friends as well. God Bless everyone we are in this together.


Chicken Soup Good For The Soul

The Morning of outreach days are always exciting, why you ask? The reason is that we get to make an impact into someone’s life and on outreach days it always starts with a lunch. The moment my eyes open in the morning I start to think about what I will go shopping for. This morning I looked at my phone and looked up the temperature in Syracuse, it said 28 degrees. Immediately Chicken Soup came to my mind and off we went to the store to buy the fresh ingredients necessary to make Chicken Soup. Being a Chef and seeing the power food has on our lives goes with out saying. We are always excited about providing a homemade meal to our friends, it brings a sense of dignity to someone who might feel hopeless. The awesome thing about making delicious lunches is that it provides an opportunity for dialogue to begin or to continue. Conversations about life leads to a relationship which opens a door for trust. Just think simple Chicken Soup opening a door into someone’s heart. One of the things I learned years ago is that your attitude determines your approach and your approach will determine success or failure, I’m believing that todays lunch will be a good approach with humility were we believe success will be born into someone’s life. Its all about Attitudes towards those who are suffering and with your support we are truly making a difference in our community.


K-Dog 60 Days Sober

Listen to K-Dog in his own words. Hire Ground is truly a Hand Up not a Hand Out!